ISAS publishes an on-line directory of its members, which is searchable and freely available to all members.

Donate to the Graduate Fund

Contributing to the Graduate Student fund provides vital funding for the youngest members of our profession. If you are a renewing member, you will have the option to contribute when you renew online (see below).

If you are a non-paying (lifetime or otherwise) member of ISAS, please do consider making a donation to the fund. You may do so easily on-line, with just a credit or debit card, by following this link.

ISAS Membership

As a member of ISAS you will:

  • receive the regularly updated membership directory
  • receive a discount from Cambridge UP on the journal Anglo-Saxon England (information here)
  • be eligible to submit an abstract and give a paper at the biennial ISAS conference &, for those who are eligible, at the ISAS New Voices panels at the International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo) & at the International Medieval Congress (Leeds)
  • be eligible to submit your published work for the biennial ISAS publication prizes
  • be eligible to subscribe to the ISAS listserv
  • receive the ISAS volume that is published biennially. Each volume is part of the series entitled "Essays in Anglo-Saxon Studies" and is based on the theme of the previous ISAS conference. Submission is open to any ISAS member who has an essay dealing with the announced theme.

Joining ISAS / Renewing Membership

Biennial membership dues are $60USD or equivalent in �GBP for regular members, and $40USD or equivalent in �GBP for students and retired members.

We are very happy to announce that you can now pay your ISAS dues by credit or debit card on-line quickly, easily, and securely. A new online membership system allows you to check your membership status and to edit your own contact details. You will be reminded by email when it is time to renew your membership, and your contact information will also serve as the basis for our members-only online directory.

New Members: If you wish to become a new member of ISAS, click here.

Current Members: If you are already a member of ISAS, and wish to check or renew your ISAS membership, or update your contact information, click here.

Note: To log-on, you will need the e-mail address associated with your ISAS membership, and your password. You can always reset your password by clicking "Forgot password."

If you are having trouble remembering your email or setting your password, email the Executive Director: [email protected].


In extreme circumstances, you may still pay by mail with a USD($) or GPB(�) check or money order. Payment via USD($) will result in substantial delays to the processing of your membership. If at all possible, please use the on-line membership system detailed above.

If you need to pay by a check, please contact the Executive Director ([email protected]) for instructions.